Life is draining.
Life can be draining. We often feel like we don't have the power to persevere and do the right thing. Sometimes we just want to give up because we feel so weak. Life can be scary. Fear of the unknown. Fear that comes from past experiences. The good news is that there is a remedy for these things. In the book of Joshua, as the people of God are taking hold of their purpose of living in the Promised Land, God tells them to be strong and courageous, for life in the Promised Land would not always be easy. We find ourselves in the same predicament. We have dedicated our lives to following Christ, we have entered into a blessed state of forgiveness and empowerment through His Spirit, yet life often still drains us and causes us to fear.

"Be strong and of good courage..." - Joshua 1:6

What it means to be strong and courageous.
When God tells the people to be strong and courageous, He is referring to the fact that as they embarked into the Promised Land, there would be opposition. This opposition would test whether or not they would trust that God would allow them to overcome the opposition. In order for them to keep pressing forward and not give up, they needed strength and courage.

  • Strength: To be resolute and unwavering.

  • Courage: To be determined and persistent.

Strength and courage meant that they would continue marching toward the goal, no matter what they faced. They would not get off track, but keep moving forward. A strong and courageous person does not retreat in the midst of opposition, but continues to move forward despite the difficulty.

God instructs the people how they can be strong and courageous. He gives them one simple step. He tells them to meditate on the word of God. God knew that the more the people meditated on His words, the more motivation, inspiration, and trust they would have in Him. That motivation, inspiration, and trust would then empower them to remain on course even if things got tough. For the more they meditated on God's word, the more they would realize and understand how good God was, and how God would ensure that His people would be taken care of. To meditate on God's word simply means to fill your thoughts with it, and then speak the truth of God's word out loud. Deep thought followed by outward declaration.

This is how you and I also become strong and courageous. We must fill our minds and speech with the truth of God's word. For as we do that, we will deeper understand that He is good and works all things out for our own good. We greater comprehend that He is in control, and He loves us so much. I don't know about you, but that sure gives me strength and courage to continue moving forward in the most difficult circumstances.

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it." - Joshua 1:8