What does it mean to seek?
When Jesus uses the term "seek", He uses the Greek word "zeteo". This means to set out in order to find something, however, it also carries the definition to crave, or long, after something. We tend to seek after that which we crave. Every person longs for fulfillment, companionship, to be loved. That craving motivates us toward seeking. Jesus tells us to seek God's Kingdom.

"Seek first the Kingdom of God..."
Matthew 6:33

What is God's Kingdom?
The Kingdom of God is a term that Jesus uses quite often. One way to understand God's Kingdom is to view it as His rule. As we seek His Kingdom, we seek His rule over our lives. When Jesus came, He continually preached that God's Kingdom was near. As Jesus initiated the New Covenant, a way to relate to God through His sacrifice, the opportunity for us to submit to God's rule, and a means to be empowered by His Spirit was upon us. Because of Jesus, we now had access to become a citizen of God's Kingdom, and submit to His good rule. Since we can now be a part of God's Kingdom, we seek to submit to what He says. For example, God's Kingdom looks like loving your neighbor as yourself, for that is what He commands us to do. God's Kingdom looks like you and I walking in humility, and looking out for the interests of others over our own interests, for those things are His will for our lives. God's Kingdom looks like a group of believers rising up, empowered by The Holy Spirit, bringing the message of peace and joy to a lost and dark world. God's Kingdom is His rule in the lives of His followers, manifested outwardly through good works that glorify Him and bring benefit to those around us.

"For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
Romans 14:17

What does it look like to seek God's Kingdom?
To seek God's Kingdom is to seek obedience unto Him. It means that you are willing to set your own preferences aside in order to take hold of His ways. It means obeying Scripture, and the patterns of life that Jesus commanded us to live. It's simple, really. Be a person who seeks after doing that which pleases God. That's what it means to seek His Kingdom. Will you seek His Kingdom today? Will you seek to obey His Word?

"I have chosen to be faithful. I have determined to live by your regulations."
Psalm 119:30

What if I lack the motivation to seek His Kingdom?
Life is difficult. Issues come up that seem to drain us of our motivation. As mentioned above, we tend to seek that which we crave. If you are having trouble seeking the right things, perhaps your cravings need to change. We must learn to long for God in order to seek Him faithfully. The more you know about God, the more you will long for Him. The more you experience His power and love, the more you will crave Him. Take some time this week to ponder who He is, and allow that to form a deep longing for His Kingdom.

"Taste and see that the Lord is good."
Psalm 34:8