What is Peace?
The word "peace" is used many different ways. However, a generalization of the word "peace" could be described as a state of tranquility and harmony. When we are at peace, we are usually calm, cool, and collected. Peace usually means we are not anxious, confused, or afraid. We all want peace. In the Bible, there are two types of peace that are worthy of study.
Peace with God.
As we think of the opposite of peace, we may think of war. Being at war with another means that there is enmity, disagreement, and hostility. Romans 5:10 tells us that before we were followers of Christ, we were hostile toward God. Our sinful lifestyle was a declaration of war against our Creator. However, the story of Christmas tells us that even when we were against God, He was for us. Jesus, the prophesied Savior, came to pay the penalty of our hostility toward God, draw us to a place of abundant life, and renew us to no longer fight against God, but to embrace His love and way of life. We once fought against God, but because of Jesus, we have been invited to receive His loving embrace. From the manger to the cross, Jesus made a way for us to have peace with God that results in a purposeful and fulfilling life here, and everlasting life in Heaven.
"For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." - Romans 5:10
Peace from God.
Along with Jesus providing the way to peace with God, He also gives us tangible peace through the seasons of life. In John 14, Jesus promises that He will give us peace that the world cannot take away. That peace is the presence of The Holy Spirit in the lives of His followers. We have peace within us. The Holy Spirit provides the follower of Christ assurance in times of doubt, comfort in times of pain, clarity in times of confusion, and peace in times where we really cannot understand how peace could even be possible. Pray and ask God to increase your awareness of His ever present peace.
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27
Peace on Earth.
The followers of Christ are people that are at peace with God, and should be walking in the peace God gives through The Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us in the sermon on the mount that those who are "peacemakers" are blessed. He is telling His followers that we ought to strive to bring peace to all situations. The Greek word for peacemaker is "eirenopoios". It comes from two root words. The first is "eirene", which means tranquility, harmony, felicity, and prosperity. The second root word is the verb "poieo", which means to make, cause, prepare, or author. Jesus is telling His followers to be proactive about brining tranquility, harmony, felicity, and prosperity to every situation. The best way to do this is to manifest the love of Christ toward every person you are around. To be a peacemaker means to follow Scripture in how you conduct yourself in all situations. To be a peacemaker means to listen to the conviction of The Holy Spirit at all times. Being a peacemaker does not mean avoiding confrontation, but rather doing it in a loving and God-honoring way with the end goal always being peace. Jesus came to bring us peace with God, peace from God, and empower His followers to bring His peace into a chaotic world.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9
The word "peace" is used many different ways. However, a generalization of the word "peace" could be described as a state of tranquility and harmony. When we are at peace, we are usually calm, cool, and collected. Peace usually means we are not anxious, confused, or afraid. We all want peace. In the Bible, there are two types of peace that are worthy of study.
Peace with God.
As we think of the opposite of peace, we may think of war. Being at war with another means that there is enmity, disagreement, and hostility. Romans 5:10 tells us that before we were followers of Christ, we were hostile toward God. Our sinful lifestyle was a declaration of war against our Creator. However, the story of Christmas tells us that even when we were against God, He was for us. Jesus, the prophesied Savior, came to pay the penalty of our hostility toward God, draw us to a place of abundant life, and renew us to no longer fight against God, but to embrace His love and way of life. We once fought against God, but because of Jesus, we have been invited to receive His loving embrace. From the manger to the cross, Jesus made a way for us to have peace with God that results in a purposeful and fulfilling life here, and everlasting life in Heaven.
"For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." - Romans 5:10
Peace from God.
Along with Jesus providing the way to peace with God, He also gives us tangible peace through the seasons of life. In John 14, Jesus promises that He will give us peace that the world cannot take away. That peace is the presence of The Holy Spirit in the lives of His followers. We have peace within us. The Holy Spirit provides the follower of Christ assurance in times of doubt, comfort in times of pain, clarity in times of confusion, and peace in times where we really cannot understand how peace could even be possible. Pray and ask God to increase your awareness of His ever present peace.
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." - John 14:27
Peace on Earth.
The followers of Christ are people that are at peace with God, and should be walking in the peace God gives through The Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us in the sermon on the mount that those who are "peacemakers" are blessed. He is telling His followers that we ought to strive to bring peace to all situations. The Greek word for peacemaker is "eirenopoios". It comes from two root words. The first is "eirene", which means tranquility, harmony, felicity, and prosperity. The second root word is the verb "poieo", which means to make, cause, prepare, or author. Jesus is telling His followers to be proactive about brining tranquility, harmony, felicity, and prosperity to every situation. The best way to do this is to manifest the love of Christ toward every person you are around. To be a peacemaker means to follow Scripture in how you conduct yourself in all situations. To be a peacemaker means to listen to the conviction of The Holy Spirit at all times. Being a peacemaker does not mean avoiding confrontation, but rather doing it in a loving and God-honoring way with the end goal always being peace. Jesus came to bring us peace with God, peace from God, and empower His followers to bring His peace into a chaotic world.
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God." - Matthew 5:9