Two paths.
Have you ever been at a fork in the road? Each day we are at a spiritual fork in the road. We can either choose blessing or despair. Although this may seem oversimplified, it is the truth. In Psalm 1, David sets out to describe two paths one can take. The path of blessing, which one can take by choosing actions that reflect the righteousness of God, and the path of despair, which one can take by choosing to act in a way that does not reflect the character of God. Choosing to obey God's Word takes you down a blessed path, while choosing to act contrary to God's Word results in despair.
"For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction." - Psalm 1:6
Path of blessing.
Choosing to follow the ways of God sets you down the correct pathway at the spiritual fork in the road. To describe the results of choosing this path, David uses the Hebrew word "eser" which means satisfied. This satisfaction is rooted in a spiritual peace and confidence that no matter what the circumstance may be, one can trust that God is good and is working all things out for the good of those who take this path of blessing. David is saying that the one who follows God's ways will experience a deep and lasting satisfaction that cannot be found anywhere else.
It is safe to say that we all probably want to take the path of blessing. However, sometimes it may seem hard to stay on that path. Temptations come, circumstances arise, people upset you, and these things often make us veer off course. David gives some advice to those seeking to follow this path. He gives them two tips that will help them at their spiritual fork in the road.
"But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night." - Psalm 1:2
Path of despair.
The alternative path is taken by choosing patterns of life that are contrary to God's Word. This path leads to despair. The Hebrew word David uses to describe the result of taking this path is "mos" which means dry, unstable, broken apart, and crushed. The world sells us the lie that sin satisfies when all it really does is lead to detriment.
"They are like chaff, scattered by the wind." - Psalm 1:4
Your choice.
My prayer is that each day we would choose the blessed path. Maybe you are on that pathway, there is always room to establish yourself even more on that path. Perhaps you may find yourself on the pathway of despair in some areas of your life. God has not given up on you. He gives you two steps to take, (walk away from negative influences, fill your mind and time up with God's Word) and if you follow these steps, you will find yourself rerouting toward that path of blessing.
"Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." - Proverbs 3:6
Have you ever been at a fork in the road? Each day we are at a spiritual fork in the road. We can either choose blessing or despair. Although this may seem oversimplified, it is the truth. In Psalm 1, David sets out to describe two paths one can take. The path of blessing, which one can take by choosing actions that reflect the righteousness of God, and the path of despair, which one can take by choosing to act in a way that does not reflect the character of God. Choosing to obey God's Word takes you down a blessed path, while choosing to act contrary to God's Word results in despair.
"For the Lord watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction." - Psalm 1:6
Path of blessing.
Choosing to follow the ways of God sets you down the correct pathway at the spiritual fork in the road. To describe the results of choosing this path, David uses the Hebrew word "eser" which means satisfied. This satisfaction is rooted in a spiritual peace and confidence that no matter what the circumstance may be, one can trust that God is good and is working all things out for the good of those who take this path of blessing. David is saying that the one who follows God's ways will experience a deep and lasting satisfaction that cannot be found anywhere else.
It is safe to say that we all probably want to take the path of blessing. However, sometimes it may seem hard to stay on that path. Temptations come, circumstances arise, people upset you, and these things often make us veer off course. David gives some advice to those seeking to follow this path. He gives them two tips that will help them at their spiritual fork in the road.
- Walk away from things that influence you away from the path of blessing.
- Fill your mind and time up with the study of God's Word.
"But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night." - Psalm 1:2
Path of despair.
The alternative path is taken by choosing patterns of life that are contrary to God's Word. This path leads to despair. The Hebrew word David uses to describe the result of taking this path is "mos" which means dry, unstable, broken apart, and crushed. The world sells us the lie that sin satisfies when all it really does is lead to detriment.
"They are like chaff, scattered by the wind." - Psalm 1:4
Your choice.
My prayer is that each day we would choose the blessed path. Maybe you are on that pathway, there is always room to establish yourself even more on that path. Perhaps you may find yourself on the pathway of despair in some areas of your life. God has not given up on you. He gives you two steps to take, (walk away from negative influences, fill your mind and time up with God's Word) and if you follow these steps, you will find yourself rerouting toward that path of blessing.
"Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take." - Proverbs 3:6