We make plans.
Have you ever made a plan that did not work out the way you thought? For most of us, that happens on a daily basis. We plan to wake up full of energy, have a healthy breakfast, get in the car and go to work escaping any sort of traffic. Then we plan on having a day of uninterrupted pleasant peace and only positive conversations. We then plan to have a nice relaxing evening of devotional and prayer time with The Lord with no distractions. These are good plans, but they seldom go as we think. Making plans is actually a good thing to do! In Proverbs 16:1, 3, and 9, we are told that a part of our responsibility is to plan and be prepared. In Proverbs 21:31, we are told we are to prepare for the battles ahead. Planning is good for it shows we are dedicated to ordering our lives in a way that is pleasing to God, however, God often alters our plans.

We have opinions.
Along with our plans, we also have opinions. Opinions on literally everything. Even claiming we do not have an opinion toward a thing, is an opinion! Again, just like planning, having thoughts and opinions toward something is not necessarily a bad thing if our thoughts and opinions are based on God's truth. In Proverbs 18:2, we learn that having a thought or opinion is part of our responsibility as we embark on finding the wisdom and truth of God, however, fools find joy in expressing their own opinions rather than God's truth. We ought to be firm in our thoughts toward the different aspects of life, but we must know God's Word and listen to His Spirit enough to know when our opinions do not align with His truth.

God's way is better.
When we make plans and formulate opinions, we ought to do so in a manner that, to the best of our ability, reflects the truth and love of God. Our plans ought to be made in a way that most glorifies Him and obeys what His Word says. We must do our best to ensure that our thoughts and opinions align with His truth. We learned a couple weeks ago in Matthew 14 that the disciples made plans and had opinions in how they ought to make sure the multitudes that were following Christ were cared for and got the food they needed. Jesus comes up with a better plan, and He miraculously multiplied two fish and five loaves to feed upwards up 15,000 people. Just like the disciples, we may have plans and opinions that are good, and truly seek to bring others benefit and God glory, but we must always be willing to be open to His plan, for it is always better.

As I write this, I am stuck in Dallas. Flight cancelations and delays made a mess of the airport, and everyone seems so up in arms for their plans did not go the way they wanted. To be honest, I was also a little frustrated. Their anger has led many to passionately express their opinions to the airline staff about how horrible the airline was. I can tell you, most of the opinions did not line up with the love of God! As I sit here in an overpriced hotel room praying that my next flight is not canceled, I can't help but be a little excited to see what God's plan is, because whatever it is, it is better than mine. My plans fell through, and for whatever reason, God allowed that to happen so that I would be right where I am right in this moment.

Would you be excited today to see what God has planned for you?