Biblical Love.
Love....a word used in many ways. Although culture and society may have its definition of love, what does the Bible say? A good way to understand Biblical love is to think of it as an act of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. Jesus said that the greatest display of love is the willingness and action of laying down your life for those around you.The follower of Christ is willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others. This may look like giving your time, resources, attention, or service in order to bring blessing to another. Love is much more than a feelings, it's a way of life that puts others first.

"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."
- Jesus

Love at Christmas.
Love is putting others first. Christmas is the very definition of love. Christmas tells the story of God Himself, Jesus Christ, coming to dwell among us in order that we would benefit. It tells the story of Deity serving creation. Christmas begins the story of God come in the flesh, and eventually leads to Jesus literally laying down His life for our benefit, the very definition of love. Christmas time is a grand display of Biblical love from God to us. A display that we ought to embody toward those around us.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other."
- Jesus

Love and Generosity.
Christmas gifts. What a fun idea. Christmas is a picture of God's greatest gift to us, the opportunity of salvation through His great love for us displayed on the cross. When we give and receive gifts this year, let us not allow our generosity to hibernate until next Christmas. Let us live a life that gives others our time, attention, resources, and service, so that they would benefit. Let us love others with a Biblical love, and let us do it generously.

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."
- Paul the Apostle